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Issues In Educational Research, 2012, Vol 22(1), ii.
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Editorial 22(1): Special issue

This Special Issue provides momentum for considering and responding to intercultural matters that are part and parcel of educators' daily encounters and which are intrinsically affected by global social, political and economic conditions currently seizing, especially, the European continent. As our social and comparative community of scholars have continually maintained, education as an institution, anywhere in the world is by no means immune to economic, political and social influences. It is with this conception in mind that we now give impetus to a dialogue that addresses some of the questions that perhaps are less frequently on the mainstream agenda, namely those educational research issues dealing with migration, poverty, discrimination, exclusion, and vilification of the most vulnerable in the education community. Sweden has a long history of advocacy in human equity issues, and such are high on the public agenda nationally. It is therefore not surprising that we find the convening of an internationally well attended and globally represented convention located in this country.

Meeri Hellstén
Issues in Education Research

Please cite as: Hellstén, M. (2012). Editorial 22(1): Special issue. Issues In Educational Research, 22(1), ii. http://www.iier.org.au/iier22/editorial22-1.html

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Created 27 Feb 2012. Last revision: 27 Feb 2012.
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