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 IIER 34(4), 2024

IIER 34(4) was published on 13 December 2024.

Roger Atkinson and Clare McBeath Editorial 34(4): (i) "... Could not be evaluated due to workload": A crisis in academic journal publishing capacity?; (ii) Miscellanea [HTML]
Mark Ulla
An invited guest editorial
Transnational research experiences: Global perspectives in educational research [HTML]
Gale E. Davids Collective ownership for learner discipline in South African schools: A policy perspective [Abstract]
Novel Lena Folabit and Loyiso Currell Jita Are academics adapting to students' technology learning preferences? A South African study of teaching identities [Abstract]
Michael Graham, Christine Grice and Wayne Cotton Design principles of effective professional development for school teachers: A systematic literature review [Abstract]
Marnie Harris, Lynette Vernon, David Rhodes and Christina Gray Regional, rural and remote schools as a career choice for Australian pre-service teachers: A decision tree analysis [Abstract]
Boithatelo Hlasa and Ntombizandile Gcelu Challenges educators encounter with South Africa's grade progression policy: A social justice perspective [Abstract]
Toni Indrayadi The long journey to my first publication in a reputable international journal: An autoethnographic account [Abstract]
Rachel L. Juergensen, Amy Pleet-Odle and Meg Knapp Using a value-creation framework to evaluate an inclusive education program: A case study in a US middle school [Abstract]
Aikaterini Lampropoulou Teachers' professional quality of life, sense of self-efficacy and the moderating role of satisfaction with life [Abstract]
Ika Wahyuni Lestari, Rudi Hartono, Januarius Mujiyanto and Zulfa Sakhiyya Examining pre-service teachers' professional identity ahead of teaching practicum [Abstract]
Moh. Arif Mahbub, Ima Chusnul Chotimah, Nunung Suryati, Yazid Basthomi and Niamika El Khoiri Delving into EFL graduates' intercultural sensitivity and experiences: Three Indonesian narrative case studies [Abstract]
Kim Maslin, Karen Murcia and Susan Blackley 'Can you show me?': Children demonstrating creativity through focus during STEM online learning [Abstract]
Kezia H. Mkwizu and Kathija Yassim Resilience and sustainability in African higher education: A post-Covid, collaborative autoethnographic reflection [Abstract]
Samira Nicolas Artificial intelligence in writing courses: Attitudes of university instructors in Lebanon [Abstract]
Marianthi Oikonomakou, Dimitrios Kokkinos and Anthippi Potolia Language autobiographies and multilingual practices applied in primary teacher education: A qualitative study [Abstract]
Esra Özcan and Mehmet Gültekin Small group, problem-based learning in primary school social studies: A mixed methods study in Turkey [Abstract]
Pitambar Paudel Navigating linguistic diversity: Implementing English medium instruction in Nepal's community schools [Abstract]
Marg Rogers, Anwaar Ul-Haq, Cassy Dittman, Michelle Gossner, Govind Krishnamoorthy, Emily Small, Tegan Kanard, Amy Johnson, Michèle L. Hébert, Yumiko Coffey and Einar B. Thorsteinsson Interdisciplinary research collaboration in higher education: Improving end-user experience in children's programs [Abstract]
Lindokuhle Soyikwa and Sakyiwaa Boateng Teaching physical sciences in South African rural high schools: Learner and teacher views about the challenges [Abstract]
Rosemary Vellar, Boris Handal, Sean Kearney and Christine Forlin Teacher data use and student learning: Insights from a NSW Catholic School system [Abstract]
Thi Loan Vu Teacher agency in enacting English language curriculum: The case of primary school EFL teachers in Vietnam [Abstract]
Rebecca Walker, Valerie Morey, Madeleine Dobson and Astrid Green Pathways towards equity: Achievements by online initial teacher education graduates across Australia [Abstract]

IIER is published by the Institutes for Educational Research in NSW, SA and WA. ISSN 1837-6290 (Online)
Web page editors Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com] and Clare McBeath [c.mcbeath@bigpond.com]
Last revision: 13 December 2024. This URL: http://www.iier.org.au/iier.html