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Issues in Educational Research

Contents of Volume 34, 2024

Number 4 IIER 34(4) was published on 13 December 2024.

Roger Atkinson and Clare McBeath Editorial 34(4): (i) "... Could not be evaluated ..."; (ii) Editorial miscellanea [HTML]
Mark Ulla
An invited guest editorial
Transnational research experiences: Global perspectives in educational research [HTML]
Gale E. Davids Collective ownership for learner discipline in South African schools: A policy perspective [Abstract]
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Novel Lena Folabit and Loyiso Currell Jita Are academics adapting to students' technology learning preferences? A South African study of teaching identities [Abstract]
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Michael Graham, Christine Grice and Wayne Cotton Design principles of effective professional development for school teachers: A systematic literature review [Abstract]
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Marnie Harris, Lynette Vernon, David Rhodes and Christina Gray Regional, rural and remote schools as a career choice for Australian pre-service teachers: A decision tree analysis [Abstract]
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Boithatelo Hlasa and Ntombizandile Gcelu Challenges educators encounter with South Africa's grade progression policy: A social justice perspective [Abstract]
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Toni Indrayadi The long journey to my first publication in a reputable international journal: An autoethnographic account [Abstract]
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Rachel L. Juergensen, Amy Pleet-Odle and Meg Knapp Using a value-creation framework to evaluate an inclusive education program: A case study in a US middle school [Abstract]
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Aikaterini Lampropoulou Teachers' professional quality of life, sense of self-efficacy and the moderating role of satisfaction with life [Abstract]
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Ika Wahyuni Lestari, Rudi Hartono, Januarius Mujiyanto and Zulfa Sakhiyya Examining pre-service teachers' professional identity ahead of teaching practicum [Abstract]
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Moh. Arif Mahbub, Ima Chusnul Chotimah, Nunung Suryati, Yazid Basthomi and Niamika El Khoiri Delving into EFL graduates' intercultural sensitivity and experiences: Three Indonesian narrative case studies [Abstract]
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Kim Maslin, Karen Murcia and Susan Blackley 'Can you show me?': Children demonstrating creativity through focus during STEM online learning [Abstract]
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Kezia H. Mkwizu and Kathija Yassim Resilience and sustainability in African higher education: A post-Covid, collaborative autoethnographic reflection [Abstract]
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Samira Nicolas Artificial intelligence in writing courses: Attitudes of university instructors in Lebanon [Abstract]
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Marianthi Oikonomakou, Dimitrios Kokkinos and Anthippi Potolia Language autobiographies and multilingual practices applied in primary teacher education: A qualitative study [Abstract]
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Esra Özcan and Mehmet Gültekin Small group, problem-based learning in primary school social studies: A mixed methods study in Turkey [Abstract]
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Pitambar Paudel Navigating linguistic diversity: Implementing English medium instruction in Nepal's community schools [Abstract]
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Marg Rogers, Anwaar Ul-Haq, Cassy Dittman, Michelle Gossner, Govind Krishnamoorthy, Emily Small, Tegan Kanard, Amy Johnson, Michèle L. Hébert, Yumiko Coffey and Einar B. Thorsteinsson Interdisciplinary research collaboration in higher education: Improving end-user experience in children's programs [Abstract]
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Lindokuhle Soyikwa and Sakyiwaa Boateng Teaching physical sciences in South African rural high schools: Learner and teacher views about the challenges [Abstract]
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Rosemary Vellar, Boris Handal, Sean Kearney and Christine Forlin Teacher data use and student learning: Insights from a NSW Catholic School system [Abstract]
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Thi Loan Vu Teacher agency in enacting English language curriculum: The case of primary school EFL teachers in Vietnam [Abstract]
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Rebecca Walker, Valerie Morey, Madeleine Dobson and Astrid Green Pathways towards equity: Achievements by online initial teacher education graduates across Australia [Abstract]
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Number 3 IIER 34(3) was published on 15 September 2024.

Chris Perry and Roger Atkinson Editorial 34(3): (i) Trending on IIER ... methodology insights; (ii) DEI revisited; (iii) Miscellanea [HTML]
Jagad Aditya Dewantara and Dasim Budimansyah
An invited guest editorial
Using multicultural and ethnographic approaches in educational research: The Indonesian-Malaysian border [HTML]
Nurul Aini, Iwan Kurniarahman, Utami Widiati, Bambang Yudi Cahyono and Yazid Basthomi Indonesian university students' perspectives on integrating AIEd into English language learning [Abstract]
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Nabil Assadi, Muhammad Ibdah, Seham Hamza and Tareq Murad The Spiral Internal Laboratory at Sakhnin College, Israel: PD for education supervisors, mentors and students [Abstract]
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Özge Ceren Çelik and Mehmet Taşpınar Preparing pre-service primary teachers to facilitate students' key competences for lifelong learning [Abstract]
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Jehanzeb Rashid Cheema and Saulat Pervez Using the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey (ERAS) in a bilingual context: Evidence from a Pakistani study [Abstract]
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Pfuurai Chimbunde, Boitumelo Benjamin Moreeng and Emma Barnett Attempts to promote social cohesion: School history curricula in post-colonial South Africa and Zimbabwe [Abstract]
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Rebekah Couper and Terry Harding Reasons why parents home school in Australia: A national survey and a review of 2018-2022 registrations [Abstract]
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Sante Delle-Vergini, Douglas Eacersall, Chris Dann, Mustafa Ally Exploring the perspectives of Australian primary school teachers on students learning about project management [Abstract]
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Amanda England, Jo Bird, Sue Elliott and Marg Rogers Between nature kindergartens and Forest School: Forging pathways for nature play in Australia's ECE sector [Abstract]
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Nicole Fairhurst, Rachel Sheffield and Rekha Koul Experiences of women in STEM: Personal narratives illustrating the fluidity and nuances of the STEM pipeline [Abstract]
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Uus Faizal Firdaussy, Sri Ningsih and Enkin Asrawijaya Basic education for indigenous peoples in Indonesia: Limiting children's cultural alienation and loss of identity [Abstract]
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Elham (Ellie) M. Foomani Language, gender and empowerment: A qualitative study of self-identities of women English Teachers in Iran [Abstract]
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Tuba Gökmenoğlu, Elif Daşci Sönmez and Ceyda Durmuş Roles and responsibilities of PTAs in Türkiye's public schools: Principals' perceptions [Abstract]
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Emma Groenewald Navigating a diverse university context in South Africa: A student's narrative about identity formation [Abstract]
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Ali Hayes and Laura B. Perry The social and cultural capital of refugee-background students: An Australian case for an 'asset view' [Abstract]
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Selaelo Maifala Creating a conducive teaching and learning climate at a rural school in South Africa: The management team's role [Abstract]
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Omar Mizel Sheikhocracy and Israel's Arab Bedouin schools: Tribal versus educational accountability [Abstract]
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Rosma Indriana Purba, Poltak Sinaga, Evo Sampetua Hariandja and Rizaldi Parani Supporting quality management in Indonesia's early childhood education through accreditation processes [Abstract]
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Yoppy Wahyu Purnomo, Pramita Putri Arifin, Rina Dyah Rahmawati and Ardiani Putri Rahmawati Children's mathematics-related beliefs: An exploratory qualitative study in an Indonesian elementary school [Abstract]
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Abdul Qahar Sarwari and Hamedi Mohd Adnan Alternative educational activities and programs for female students banned from formal education in Afghanistan [Abstract]
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Budi Waluyo and Anita Integrating gender awareness into EFL pedagogy: Insights from Indonesia's Islamic universities [Abstract]
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Ehsan Zarei, Sean P. Kearney and Omid Mallahi Economic and social barriers: Identifying and prioritising professional needs of Iranian novice teachers [Abstract]
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Number 2 IIER 34(2) was published on 29 June 2024.

Roger Atkinson and Clare McBeath Editorial 34(2): (i) IIER's 2023 review outcomes; (ii) Revision of briefing for reviewers; (iii) Miscellanea [HTML]
Emma Groenewald and Kevin Teise
An invited guest editorial
The North-South research gap: Challenges and lessons learnt [HTML]
Fatima Anaam and Smail Kerouad Using English medium instruction in Moroccan secondary schools: Mathematics and science teachers' perceptions [Abstract]
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Julie Boston and Nicola F. Johnson The benefits of a literacy and numeracy service-learning program for pre-service teachers: A partnership approach [Abstract]
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Michalis Christodoulou Now what? How time perspective and university context shape final-year students' life projects [Abstract]
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Anne Coffey, Shane Lavery and Leigh Sinclair Engaging the early adolescent: What do stakeholders say about the Keeping Kids Engaged in School program? [Abstract]
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Arkadiy Alekseevich Eremin Roleplaying simulations for international relations education: Cases of Russian Federation and Uzbekistan [Abstract]
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Jehad Faraj, Anca Daniela Frumuselu and Andrea Roxana Bellot EFL teachers' perception and practice of intercultural competence in Palestine [Abstract]
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Rachael Hains-Wesson Evaluating an established team-teaching artefact: An innovative self-study methodology [Abstract]
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Alison L. Hilton, Sian Chapman and Laura Perry School choice in an information desert: A multimodal website analysis of vocational education offerings [Abstract]
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May Olaug Horverak Psychosocial learning environment and inclusion in primary school: Challenges from a student perspective [Abstract]
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Mehdi Moharami Learning English and its implications for Iranians' cultural values and practices [Abstract]
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Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin and Muhammad Zaki Navigating the visual odyssey: Perceptions, hurdles and creative solutions in Three Minute Thesis presentation [Abstract]
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Ira Mutiaraningrum, Sri Wuli Fitriati, Issy Yuliasri and Mursid Saleh From classroom projects to business ideas: Indonesian vocational college students' entrepreneurial skills [Abstract]
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Shashi Nallaya, Sheridan Gentili, Scott Weeks and Katherine Baldock The validity, reliability, academic integrity and integration of oral assessments in higher education: A systematic review [Abstract]
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Astrid Núñez-Pardo and María Fernanda Téllez-Téllez From a colonial research tension to decolonial research trends: Analysing 100 Columbian MEd theses and reports [Abstract]
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Quynh-Nhu Phan and Quoc-Thach Nguyen Reflective teaching: Voices from Vietnamese pre-service EFL teachers [Abstract]
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Loriza Zinnie Rafiq and Jeremy Dorovolomo University of the South Pacific students' voices about improving their campus experience [Abstract]
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Marg Rogers Publishing research-based news articles: Opportunities and challenges for creating effective knowledge translation [Abstract]
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Jackylou Sarsale, Dennis Alonzo, Aiza Caseñas, Cherry Zin Oo, Francis Ann Sy and Prose Ivy Yepes Assessing literacy practices and futures in science and mathematics classrooms: A systematic review [Abstract]
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Xiaomei Sun Teacher intuition and teacher development: An EFL teacher's autoethnography [Abstract]
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Natalie Walker and Kaili C. Zhang What are the non-academic impacts of private tutoring? Voices from A-level students in UK urban schools [Abstract]
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Rachael Walshe, Neus (Snowy) Evans and Lisa Law School gardens and student engagement: A systematic review exploring benefits, barriers and strategies [Abstract]
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Number 1 IIER 34(1) was published on 30 March 2024.

Roger Atkinson and Clare McBeath Editorial 34(1): (i) Introducing a guest editorial; (ii) Editorial miscellanea [HTML]
Paul Gardner
An invited guest editorial
IIER: Loosening the straps on the neoliberal straitjacket subjugating educational research [HTML]
Saban Bon and Bhornsawan Inpin Roles of two PD modes in technology integration for EFL classes: Training and professional learning communities [Abstract]
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Thi Hien Bui and Nicola F. Johnson Self-regulation and metacognition in a flipped classroom: EFL students' perspectives at a Vietnamese university [Abstract]
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Rochelle Fogelgarn, Jacolyn Weller and Karen O'Reilly-Briggs Permission to Teach VET: Enabling a vicious circle that maintains the low status of VET education [Abstract]
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Susan Hill, Margaret Miller, Amanda Devine, Angela Genoni, Elizabeth Wenden and Matthew Byrne Supporting nutrition education in low socioeconomic schools in Western Australia [Abstract]
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Dawn Joseph, Rohan Nethsinghe, Alberto Cabedo-Mas and Jennifer Mellizo Professional learning: Sharing intercultural perspectives through virtual connections [Abstract]
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Samantha Marangell, Beatrice Venturin, Chi Baik, Sally Baker, Gwilym Croucher and Sophie Arkoudis Students' attitudes toward diversity in higher education: Findings from a scoping review [Abstract]
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Angélica Monteiro, Ana Cristina Torres and Sara Blanc Clavero Digital technologies and school gardens: Possibilities for transformative pedagogies and sustainable development [Abstract]
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Kim O'Grady, Janet Scull and Damien Lyons Exploring the early writing experiences of young children within the home through autoethnographic reflections [Abstract]
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Karen Peel, Nick Kelly and Patrick A. Danaher Australian teachers' causal attributions along a motivational continuum in supporting their resilience [Abstract]
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Marie Pinďáková, Soňa Kalenda Vávrová and Ilona Kočvarová Adverse childhood experiences among clients of juvenile detention centres: Research in Czech Republic [Abstract]
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Kusum Prakash, Ashvin Praneet Chand and Poonam Singh Supervising lecturers' support for pre-service teacher education students during teaching practice in Fiji [Abstract]
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Marg Rogers, Khatuna Dolidze, Astrid Mus Rasmussen, Fabio Dovigo and Laura Doan Impacts of managerial systems on early educators' job satisfaction in five countries [Abstract]
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Melvin Sarsale, Dennis Alonzo, Mary Annchyr Jumarito, Catherine Garcia, Karen Molina, Cherry Zin Oo, Francis Ann Sy and Prose Ivy Yepes Parental involvement in assessment: Why, how and where to? [Abstract]
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Rima Shishakly Young children's online homeschooling during Covid-19 closure in the United Arab Emirates: Parents' experiences [Abstract]
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Mia Stubhaug and Armend Tahirsylaj Students' experiences of Bildung and education: Is it in accordance with Norway's curriculum policy? [Abstract]
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Amir Toghyani Khorasgani, Jahanbakhsh Rahmani and Narges Keshtiaray Empowering economic development: Integrating economic-related issues into secondary school curricula [Abstract]
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Goodness Tshabalala, Mkhumbulo Ndlovu, Solomon Makola and Gawie Schlebusch Implementing positive discipline in Eswatini primary schools: A qualitative study of principals' experiences [Abstract]
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Jacob Vargas-Arteaga, Marbel Gravini-Donado, Myriam Ortíz-Padilla and Luz Elena Vargas-Ortiz Cultural heritage education for high school students in Colombia: A socially appropriate measurement scale [Abstract]
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Thinley Wangdi and Sonam Dhendup Exploring Bhutanese English teachers' attitudes toward English as a lingua franca in Bhutan [Abstract]
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Urooj Yahya, Rahila Huma Anwar and Sajida Zaki Women leaders in higher education: A systematic review offering insights for nations with wider gender gaps [Abstract]
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Published by the Institutes for Educational Research in NSW, SA and WA. ISSN 1837-6290 (Online)
Articles in IIER are published under a Creative Commons licence: Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0)

[IIER Home Page]
Created 30 March 2024. Last revision 13 December 2024. This URL http://www.iier.org.au/iier34/2024conts.html
HTML and PDF: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com] and Clare McBeath [c.mcbeath@bigpond.com]