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Issues in Educational Research, 2022, Vol 32(2), 721-745.
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Investigating teachers' perceptions of open plan classroom settings: A case of an innovative convention?

Pearl Subban and Penny Round
Monash University, Australia

Informed by social cognitive theory, this study explores teacher perceptions regarding open plan learning contexts, with foci on academic outcomes, social interaction, the accommodation of students with additional learning needs, and how to manage administrative tasks, within this non-traditional context. This quantitative study was facilitated by the development and design of a scale to measure teacher perceptions regarding open plan learning. In the initial stage of the project, a scale was developed, drawing on key elements from a comprehensive literature review, first within Australian settings, and then internationally. The focus of the project was on how individual teachers, within their school contexts and dynamics, perceived open plan settings, and of how they managed the learning programs of their students. The survey gathered information more broadly, relating to the efficacy of the open plan learning context for all students and teachers. Directed at a group of educators, who had taught both in open plan settings and who had accommodated students with additional learning needs, the study considered individual responses, noting levels of confidence and of how school factors shaped perceptions of open plan classrooms. The study yielded an instrument comprising four subscales, with a total of 42 items, encompassing academic, social, students with additional needs and administration elements. Results revealed that teachers in larger schools held more positive perceptions toward open plan classrooms, and those who had experienced prior success in these settings appeared to consider these contexts more favourably. The scale will be useful to school administrators and school leaders, who want to explore the perceptions of their staff towards open plan classrooms.
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Authors: Dr Pearl Subban is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education, Monash University. Her key areas of interest as a social justice researcher are differentiated instruction, and the accommodation of student diversity. She is currently involved in the design and delivery of postgraduate units in the Master of Education program.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2904-976X
Email: pearl.subban@monash.edu

Dr Penny Round is a lecturer in Inclusive and Special Education in the Faculty of Education, Monash University. Penny has qualifications in both special education and gifted education. Her primary research has revolved around students with additional needs in regular secondary schools, with a particular focus on students at the senior secondary level.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9638-6144
Email: penny.round@monash.edu

Please cite as: Subban, P. & Round, P. (2022). Investigating teachers' perceptions of open plan classroom settings: A case of an innovative convention?. Issues in Educational Research, 32(2), 721-745. http://www.iier.org.au/iier32/subban.pdf

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This URL: http://www.iier.org.au/iier32/subban-abs.html
Created 20 June 2022. Last correction: 20 June 2022. Website: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]