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Issues in Educational Research, 2022, Vol 32(2), 634-658.
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Toward developing a qualitative mentoring program for pre-service teachers: Kosovo's experience

Elmedina Nikoçeviq-Kurti and Blerim Saqipi
University of Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo

This study aims to understand pre-service teachers' perceptions about mentor teachers' mentoring practices and their relevance to the level of their teaching self-efficacy. A survey was conducted with a sample of 210 pre-service teachers in the 3rd and 4th year of a 4-year bachelor program for elementary teacher education at the University of Prishtina. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 pre-service teachers who reported their highest levels of mentoring experience were with mentor teachers' personal attributes, whilst the lowest level of experience was with feedback provision. Furthermore, they reported their lowest levels of self-efficacy beliefs were in the classroom management domain. Results showed that a lack of close mentoring relationships combined with a lack of institutional (faculty) support and commitment to student professional development had a negative impact on pre-service teachers' perceptions of their experiences. Findings indicate that the quality of mentoring may be enhanced when mentors display attributes such as hospitality, openness to collaboration, non-prejudicial approaches, space for engagement, and encouragement to take initiatives. More information about system requirements, more feedback, more support, and closer rapport with mentors can contribute to higher teaching self-efficacy for pre-service teachers.
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Authors: Elmedina Nikoçeviq-Kurti is currently a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Education, University of Prishtina, Kosovo, and is a Career Specialist at the Career Development Center of the University of Prishtina. Her research interest pertains to the development of pre-service teachers' self-efficacy, effective mentoring practices in teacher education, teacher career development and constructing teacher professional identity.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9548-1297
Email: elmedina.nikoceviq@uni-pr.edu

Blerim Saqipi is Associate Professor at the University of Prishtina's Faculty of Education in Kosovo. He holds a PhD in Education and teaches courses on educational change, teacher development and research methods. His research interest is focused on the development of teacher professionalism as it relates to the socio-cultural and educational context.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1133-7958
Email: blerim.saqipi@uni-pr.edu

Please cite as: Nikoçeviq-Kurti, E. & Saqipi, B (2022). Toward developing a qualitative mentoring program for pre-service teachers: Kosovo's experience. Issues in Educational Research, 32(2), 634-658. http://www.iier.org.au/iier32/nikoceviq-kurti.pdf

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Created 20 June 2022. Last correction: 20 June 2022. Website: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]