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Issues in Educational Research, 2018, Vol 28(2), 329-348
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On the relationship between the forethought phase of self-regulated learning and self-regulation failure

Laurent Cosnefroy
University of Lyon, France

Fabien Fenouillet, Corinne Mazé and Barbara Bonnefoy
University of Paris-Ouest, La Defénse, France

In order to extend previous research on procrastination as a cause of performance failure due to faulty self-regulation, we developed a model of self-regulated learning failure and tested it in two separate studies (N1 = 378, N2 = 315). The relationships between procrastination, disorganisation, the forethought phase of self-regulated learning (SRL), academic performance and self-regulation failure are addressed. Self-report scales were used to assess procrastination, disorganisation, and forethought. Three hypotheses about the relationships between these dimensions were tested. The first is that disorganisation and procrastination are two distinct constructs; it is argued that they represent two routes via which self-regulation failure can be manifested. The second is that disorganisation and procrastination have a negative impact on academic performance; the results obtained showed that only disorganisation had a negative impact on academic performance. The third is that the implementation of high-quality processes during the forethought phase is a safeguard against disorganisation and procrastination.
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Authors: Dr Laurent Cosnefroy (corresponding author) is a professor in educational sciences at the French Institute for Education, Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, France. His research interests include student learning and motivation, and teacher training and professional development in secondary and higher education.
Email: laurent.cosnefroy@ens-lyon.fr
Web: http://recherche.univ-lyon2.fr/ecp/equipes/directeurs-daxe/laurent-cosnefroy

Dr Fabien Fenouillet is a professor in educational psychology at the Department of Psychology, University Paris-Ouest La Défense, France. His research interests include students' motivation, use of serious games in education, and well-being and flow experience in education.
Email: fabien.fenouillet@u-paris10.fr

Dr Corinne Mazé is an assistant professor in social psychology at the Department of Psychology, University Paris-Ouest La Défense, France. Her research fields include social representations, health psychology, and students' coping strategies when entering university.
Email: corinne.maze@u-paris10.fr

Dr Barbara Bonnefoy is an assistant professor in social psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of Paris-Ouest La Défense, France. Her research field includes environmental psychology.
Email: barbara.bonnefoy@u-paris10.fr

Please cite as: Cosnefroy, L., Fenouillet, F., Mazé, C. & Bonnefoy, B. (2018). On the relationship between the forethought phase of self-regulated learning and self-regulation failure. Issues in Educational Research, 28(2), 329-348. http://www.iier.org.au/iier28/cosnefroy.pdf

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Created 5 Apr 2018. Last revision: 5 Apr 2018.
Website: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]