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Issues In Educational Research, Vol 21(1), 2011
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It is with mixed feelings that I announce the end of my Editorship of this journal and hand over to my successor, Meeri Hellstén.

Dr Meeri Hellstén is a member of the NSW Institute for Educational Research (NSWIER), which means that the Editorship returns again to NSW for the first time since 2000 (see Previous Editors at http://www.iier.org.au/iier-inf.html#previous-eds). She was a member of the NSWIER executive committee between 2004 and 2009, where she had a key role in organising the annual NSWIER postgraduate conference, seminars and related events.

She has been an Associate Editor of Issues in Educational Research since 2007.

She left the NSWIER executive in 2009 and is currently lecturing in intercultural pedagogy at Södertörn University in Sweden. She was appointed Associate Professor in 2010 and acts in the role of Deputy Principal of Postgraduate Research in Education.

Her research interests encompass research pedagogy and practice related to international and comparative education and has co-edited two books on the subject, published by Springer. She currently collaborates with research networks in Europe (particularly in Finland and the UK), Asia and Australia. Her postgraduate research students tend to focus on teaching and learning in intercultural contexts. She has retained her links with Macquarie University as an Honorary Associate of Education.

So I feel comfortable that I am leaving the journal in safe hands and that Meeri will continue to raise the standard of, and interest in, Issues in Educational Research.

On the negative side, I must confess that I will miss my job as Editor. I have been doing this for eleven years, and feel that I have built up a wide network of authors and reviewers over these years - people whose names I have got to know - a network of vicarious friends, whom I don't want to lose! I must thank them all for their confidence and support.

I must thank also the members of the Editorial Board who took over from the IIER Management Committee at the beginning of 2008. I have kept them busier than most Editors keep their Editorial Boards members, and between them they have done a good share of the reviewing, and in some cases, giving special assistance to new authors.

The number of published articles has increased significantly in eleven years. Since 2001 when I became Editor, we have consistently published two issues a year. Two years ago we increased that to three, and it may reach four before too long. This in spite of our rejection rate now being over 50%.

I must thank especially our Webmaster and Business Manager, Dr Roger Atkinson. Roger looks after our web site and as everything is now published online, with open access only, his responsibilities have been significant. He has also dealt with libraries and indexing bodies and has had IIER indexed in the following:

My thanks also go to Dr Eva Dobozy as Associate Editor, and to assistant Editors, Dr Caroline Mansfield, Dr Rita Tognini and Sonja Kuzich, all of whom are members of the Western Australian Institute for Educational Research (WAIER) and have graciously and patiently helped out with copy editing as the final versions of the articles are prepared for publication, as well as reviewing.

I will stay on as publisher of the journal, which I have done virtually since its inception, and will be preparing the format and appearance of the submissions ready to hand over to the Webmaster for online publication.

With such a good team onboard, I am sure the journal will continue to thrive and grow. My best wishes to them all.

Clare McBeath
Out-going Editor

Please cite as: McBeath, C. (2011). Editorial 21(1). Issues In Educational Research, 21(1), ii-iii. http://www.iier.org.au/iier21/editorial21-1.html

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© 2011 Issues In Educational Research. This URL: http://www.iier.org.au/iier21/editorial21-1.html
Created 4 Mar 2011. Last revision: 4 Mar 2011.
HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]