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Editorial 8(3)

This final issue of Queensland Researcher for 1992 reports the text of the address by Professor Freebody given at the 1992 Annual General Meeting of the Institute held in Education House in November Professor Freebody's address was most stimulating and we are pleased to be able to share his insights and challenges with readers of the journal. Also in this issue is a report of school based research into an innovation in English Language Arts at the primary school level by Howden and Orford. The Editorial Panel would be pleased to receive reports of further school based projects, particularly that undertaken by practitioners. The remainder of the issue presents a range of research reports, thesis abstracts and book reviews. Readers are encouraged to submit their papers for consideration for publication in 1993.

Readers of Queensland Researcher are reminded that all articles and papers submitted for publication are subjected to a refereeing process: at least two independent reviews of material are undertaken, involving personnel beyond the Editorial Panel as necessary. We trust that this encourages those seeking to publish the findings of their research and evaluation studies to consider Queensland Researcher as a means of sharing their experiences with other researchers, especially those in the 'local' educational community.

Please cite as: QIER (1992). Editorial 8(3). Queensland Researcher, 8(3), 1. http://www.iier.org.au/qjer/qr8/editorial8-3.html

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Created 29 May 2005. Last revision: 21 May 2006.
URL: http://www.iier.org.au/qjer/qr8/editorial8-3.html