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Editorial 8(1)

Welcome to the first issue of Queensland Researcher for 1992. We trust that the variety of papers presented stimulates discussion and interest among our readers in the educational research community. Effective networking is becoming increasingly important in our professional lives. The issue also sees a return of some of the journals earlier 'regular features', including Thesis Abstracts and Book Reviews. Contributions to these sections and articles for the journal generally are sought from readers. The summary of the initial report of the Strategic Review of Research may stimulate ideas for papers from the local research community. Potential authors are encouraged to discuss their ideas with members of the Editorial Panel.

The QIER has decided to hold its second Research Forum in August this year. The 1991 Forum was one of the most successful activities held by the QIER providing excellent sharing and networking opportunities for members of the Queensland research community, be they in tertiary institutions, government departments or schools. This years Forum should be equally successful. The Editorial Panel has again agreed to publish the 'Abstracts' of the forum posters and presentations to facilitate the wider dissemination of issues and ideas raised. Further details about the Forum will be available soon.

Please cite as: QIER (1992). Editorial 8(1). Queensland Researcher, 8(1), 1. http://www.iier.org.au/qjer/qr8/editorial8-1.html

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Created 29 May 2005. Last revision: 21 May 2006.
URL: http://www.iier.org.au/qjer/qr8/editorial8-1.html