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Editorial 6(3)

Welcome to the final issue of Queensland Researcher for 1990.

The first two papers are particularly noteworthy because of the challenges they offer and the insights they provide in taking up some of those challenges.

The first is the text of the 1990 J.A. Robinson Memorial Lecture presented by Lyndsay Connors. Connors challenged the audience to consider what research activities over the next decade could inform improvements in teaching and learning and the effectiveness of schooling generally, and how best could those activities be supported. The Institute might well consider Connor's remarks carefully and reflect on the contribution it could make to this debate.

Atweh, Hickling-Hudson and Preston explore the implications (social, ethical and practical) of the innovation of computer education in Queensland schools. While most schools now have computers and many have 'well developed' computer education programs, the authors argue that research across a range of Queensland schools indicates that there are still many critical issues for educators to consider before the innovation of computers can be seen to have been 'successful'.

The Editorial Panel wishes to thank those Institute members and others who have contributed to the Journal during the year. We wish all readers a healthy and professionally rewarding new year.

Please cite as: QIER (1990). Editorial 6(3). Queensland Researcher, 6(3), 3. http://www.iier.org.au/qjer/qr6/editorial6-3.html

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Created 29 May 2005. Last revision: 14 Oct 2006.
URL: http://www.iier.org.au/qjer/qr6/editorial6-3.html